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Artist: Smith, Wadada Leo
Title: Solo - Reflections And Meditations On Monk
Format: CD
Catalog Number:53
Barcode:6430015280533 itemnumber=1000121770
Price: $20.98  (All prices include domestic shipping.)
Genre: JAZZ
Release Date: 10/20/2017
Availability: Not Currently In Stock
Additional Musical Category Notes:

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Wadada Leo Smith's solo trumpet on four classic Thelonious Monk compositions and on four new compositions by Wadada Leo Smith inspired by the life and music of composer/pianist Thelonious Monk, the artist that Wadada Leo Smith feels closest to in the historic continuum of creative music.

Track Listing
Ruby, My Dear 

Monk and His Five Point Ring at the Five Spot Café 


Adagio: Monkishness - A Cinematic Vision of Monk Playing Solo Piano

Crepuscule with Nellie 

Adagio: Monk, the Composer in Sepia - A Second Vision 

Monk and Bud Powell at Shea Stadium - A Mystery 

'Round Midnight

Additional Technical Information Available For This Album
Release Format: CD         
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This page was last updated: 09/21/24